21 x 21 Crossword: “Unthemed #7”
1. Hebrew letters
6. Missionaries of Africa, initially
10. Ben ___, book before Isaiah
14. Church choir section
19. Phrase with omission or commission
20. "For ___ am a person subject to authority..." (Luke 7:8)
21. Brother of Gad (DR)
22. "From ___ to the Living Font"
23. Saintly monk and martyr (d.404, f.1-1)
25. The L in STL
27. "___ enough!" (Last supper exclamation by Jesus)
28. "...through them you may come to ___ in the divine nature..." (2 Pt 1:4)
29. "Be watchful! I have told it ___ you beforehand." (Mark 13:23)
30. Father of King Josiah (2 Kgs 21:24)
31. Christmas quaff
32. Early African Coptic saint, and son of St. Justus and St. Theoclia
33. Artemis is her Greek counterpart
35. Sisters of Notre Dame, initially
36. Hermit Sisters of Mary, initially
38. Jesus said Satan was their father (John 8:44)
40. Letters from Nain?
41. Jesuit getaway in Parma, Ohio (abbr.)
43. St. Walter, Augustinian abbot of L'___ (d.1070, f.5-11)
46. "The promises of the Lord ___, silver refined in a crucible..." (Ps 12:7)
48. Mounts
51. He returned from the exile with Nehemiah and Zerubbabel (Ezra 2:2)
53. Missioneras Catequestas de los Probres, initially
54. Part of a requiem Mass
56. Called Simon Peter?
57. "But if I go, I will send ___ you." (John 16:7)
59. William Keith ___, Bishop Emeritus of Sacramento, California
60. Society Devoted to the Sacred Heart, initially
61. Liturgical book revised under St. Pius V's leadership
64. Greek goddess of victory
65. Sisters Oblates to Divine Love, initially
66. Egyptian sun god
67. "...and his ___ shone like the sun at its brightest." (Rev 1:16)
71. Fundamentalists, as biblical interpreters
74. “You are great, ___; there is no deceit in you.” (Dan 14:18)
78. “The gods have come down to us ___ form.” (Acts 14:11)
80. 18th Greek letter
81. Prayer card of the Legion of Mary
83. The People of Dale (LOTR)
85. Parseghian of Notre Dame
86. Heretic whom St. Apollonius wrote against
87. "Do not fear, Abram! I am your ___..." (Gen 15:1)
88. St. Magdalene of ___, Foundress (d.1835, f.4-10)
91. Command before "This is my body." (Mk 14:22)
92. Haifa to Jerusalem dir.
93. "...whoever ___ this bread will live forever..." (John 6:51)
94. It's a long story
96. "Awesome!"
97. "___ Brennender Sorge" (1937 Pius XI encyclical)
99. Al ___, the first Catholic to be nominated for POTUS
101. Successor of Peter
103. Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, initially
106. Son of Jeroboam (1 Kgs 14:1, DR)
108. Feeds the kitty?
110. Has sinful desires
111. Root meaning of "catechism"
112. "...seven other spirits more evil ___, and they move in..." (Mat 12:45)
114. "...those who minister ___ share in the sacrificial offerings?" (1 Cor 9:13)
116. Son of Azel (1 Chr 9:44)
117. Ancient Syria
118. "___ Christianity" (Lewis classic)
119. Saintly Pope and martyr (140-155) (f.7-11)
120. Place of many Christian martyrdoms
121. Missionary Servants of St. Anthony, initially
122. City in Judah's heritage in the southern district (Jos 15:26)
123. St. ___ Galgani, virgin and mystic (d.1903, f.4-11)
1. Actor Sean, who starred in Rudy
2. Deceive
3. "The true light, which ___ everyone, was coming into the world." (John 1:9)
4. Enemies
5. Scarboro Foreign Missions, initially
6. Daughter of king Saul
7. Wicked Queen Mother of Israel (2 Kgs 11:1)
8. St. Peter ___, Canon Regular and Founder (d.1640, f.12-9)
9. St. ___of Lima
10. Ancestor of Jesus (Luke 3:32)
11. Elder son of Elendil (LOTR)
12. What Jesus did "at table" (Mat 26:20)
13. Syrian king (2 Cor 11:32)
14. ___ Mitzvah, Jewish girl's rite of passage
15. Home of about 150,000,000 Catholics
16. Son of Jeroham the Benjaminite (1 Chr 8:26)
17. St. Elizabeth Ann ___, foundress (d.1821, f.1-4)
18. "...behold, ___ to you prophets and wise men..." (Mat 23:34)
24. Desert serpent
26. "___ Mediocri" (1893 Leo XIII encyclical)
32. Father of Aaron and Moses
34. Where Luke's second telling of the Ascension is found
37. Psalms interjection
39. Fathers-to-be?
40. Wher the Sacrament of Matrimony is celebrated
42. Rule
43. Misses the mark, e.g.
44. Image often used by Jesus in his parables
45. Bl. ___ Giorgio Frassati, patron of World Youth Days (d.1925, f.7-4)
47. Sisters of Charity of Our Lady Mother of Mercy, initially
48. "Mein ___" (hymn tune)
49. "Gott Sei ___" (Hymn tune)
50. "___ vacante", time between popes, e.g.
52. Worshipping
55. "___ Walk as a Child of the Light" (Kathleen Thomerson hymn)
57. Greek god of the underworld
58. Rome's port city
62. Canaanite counterpart to 57 down
63. Book before Wis
67. "White" lies
68. Father-in-law of Esau (Gen 36:2)
69. Saint a.k.a. Nina, patroness of Georgia (d.332, f.1-14)
70. St. John ___, founder (d.1680, f.8-19)
71. What the meek will inherit (Mat 5:5)
72. "In Dominico ___" (1761 Clement XIII encyclical)
73. Meaning of Siloam (John 9:7)
74. Thomas Aquinas Manyo Maeda is its Cardinal Archbishop
75. "Blessed be" Iesum?
76. River of Eastern Gondor (LOTR)
77. Something the first shall be?
79. "...a village seven ___ from Jerusalem called Emmaus..." (Luke 24:13)
82. Fourth day creation (Gen 1:16)
84. "...whoever does not gather with me ___." (Mat 12:30)
86. "Mater et ___" (1961 John XXIII encyclical)
89. Healing herb of LOTR
90. "Ad ___" (1930 Pius XI encyclical)
93. "Alles schläft; ___ wacht" (Stille Nacht)
95. Catholic hymn by Tom Conry that begins: "We are called, we are chosen..."
97. St. John of ___, confessor (d.1213, f.2-8)
98. Son born to David in Jerusalem (2 Sam 5:15)
100. Book after Mal
102. St. Alexius ___ Yong, Korean martyr (d.1866, f.9-20)
104. "Moreover, between us and you a great _____ is established..." (Luke 16:26)
105. Middle Earth's Khazad -Dum (LOTR)
107. A post-exilic "leader of the people" (Neh 10:27)
109. Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Assisi, initially
110. Dalai ___
111. Wiesel, author of Night
113. "I suffered much ___ dream today because of him." (Mat 27:19)
115. Srs. of the Perpetual Adoration of Guadalupe, initially