21 x 21 Crossword: “Unthemed #10”
1. ___ Jung, star of "Mary of Nazareth"
7. Move from nursing to solid food, e.g.
11. Book before Phlm
14. "...the wind blew them away without leaving a ___." (Dan 2:35)
19. "...when you ___ the wooden beam in your own eye?" (Luke 6:42)
22. "Now glorify me, Father, with you, with the glory that I had with you before the world ___." (John 17:5)
23. Whom Jesus met at a well near Sychar
24. "Thou ___ not kill." (Ex 20:13, DR)
25. Pass on
26. Little dog, for short
27. River of Rohan (LOTR)
28. Where Moses floated among the reeds
29. Sisters of St. Louis, initially
30. Payment for Esau's birthright?
32. Island where St. Columba founded a monastery when he came to Scotland
34. More rational
35. Hydrox rival
37. St. ___ Maria Fusco, founder (d.1910, f.2-6)
39. Sisters of the Divine Savior, initially
40. Daughters of Mary and Joseph, initially
43. "When it was evening, the boat was far out on the sea and he ___ on shore." (Mark 6:47)
45. Solomon's daughter (1 Kgs 4:11)
47. Saintly 7th C. Welsh Bishop (f.1-13)
49. "He is God and he does not ___..." (Job 9:13)
51. King of Israel after Shallum
53. Worships, in a way
55. What a woman in a parable lost one of
57. "Buona ___" (Italian greeting)
58. What the Haradrim called Gandalf (LOTR)
60. "___ Fideles"
61. Religious of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, initially
62. Created
63. Daughters of Charity of the Most Precious Blood, initially
65. Spanish ayes?
67. "Now I have seen and testified that ___ the Son of God." (John 1:34)
68. French soul
69. Roman emperor
73. Like Jesus and Mary
75. Son of Issachar (Gen 46:13)
77. St. Jacques ___, SJ, missionary to Madagascar (d.1896, f.6-8)
79. Pillar-saint?
81. "...love your ___, do good to those who hate you..." (Luke 6:27)
83. Passover meals
85. Purchase out of slavery, for example
86. Like Russia, before the revolution
88. Bay between the cape of Andrast and Umbar (LOTR)
90. Nuns, briefly
91. First recorded word of God in the Bible (Gen 1:3)
92. Second son of Elendil (LOTR)
94. "I looked out in the night, and there was a man mounted on ___ horse..." (Zec 1:8)
95. "...that they may be brought to perfection ___..." (John 17:33)
97. Made a bell chime
98. Greetings to Maria
100. "Let there ___ dome in the middle of the waters..." (Gen 1:6)
103. "God is light, and in him there ___ darkness at all." (1 John 1:5)
104. Saintly sister of St. Guthlac, anchoress of Mercia (d.719, f.1-8)
106. Pallium pins (Lat.)
107. "___ and Daughters" (Easter Hymn)
109. Lotario de'___ (Pope Innocent III)
111. What a man in a parable did to one of his servants before he went away (Mat 25)
114. Ishmael's people
115. What the persons of the Trinity share
116. "___ Multa" (1881 Leo XIII encyclical)
117. "The sun and the ___ were darkened..." (Rev 9:2)
118. Mercury and Saturn
119. "Look and see that no prophet ___ from Galilee.” (John 7:52)
1. Herbrew months
2. "...whoever ___ his life for my sake will find it." (Mat 10:39)
3. "Beloved, you are faithful ___ you do for the brothers..." (3 John 1:5)
4. Body of Greece?
5. Priestly collar inserts
6. Byzantine chalice veil
7. "What are ___?" (Jesus tells us not to worry and say this, Mat 6:31)
8. City apportioned to Judah (Jos 15:34)
9. St. Elizabeth ___ Seton, foundress (d.1821, f.1-4)
10. "One thing I do know is that I was blind and ___ see." (John 9:25)
11. "...they believe only for a time and fall away in ___ trial." (Luke 8:13)
12. "Haughty eyes and arrogant hearts ___ endure." (Ps 101:5)
13. Egyptian plagues number
14. Atlanta-based channel
15. Where St. Ludolf of Ratzeburg founded a community of Premonstratensian sisters
16. St. Irenaeus of Lyon's treatise on the false doctrines
17. What Martha did after meeting Jesus near Lazarus' tomb (John 11:28)
18. "Nothing that ___ one from outside can defile that person..." (Mark 7:15)
20. Poisonous snakes
21. "You have established a bulwark against your foes, ___ enemy and avenger." (Ps 8:3)
31. "...when all these things are about to come ___?” (Mark 13:4)
33. Memorial prayer?
34. "Gottes ___, o wie lacht..." (Stille Nacht)
36. First words of "Come to the Water" (John Foley, SJ)
37. "...an oath serves as a guarantee and puts ___ to all argument." (Heb 6:16)
38. Greek goddess of hope
40. Daughters of St. Paul, initially
41. Italian Catholic education pioneer
42. Saintly French foundress and educational pioneer (d.1640, f.5-15) (var.)
43. "On the third day there ___ wedding in Cana..." (John 2:1)
44. ___ europaea, the Mediterranean olive tree
46. Acta Apostolicae Sedis, initially
48. Edward M. ___, Bishop of Springfield
50. "And roll you up and ___ you like a ball into a broad land." (Is 22:18)
52. Roman "war lord"
54. The "next" king or pope
56. "___ enough!" Last Supper words of Jesus (Lk 22:38)
59. Practice fight
62. Adam, to Eve
64. Wagers
66. "Engage ___ with these until I return." (Words of the man in 55 across)
67. Believed
70. "...___ him to drive the demon out of her daughter." (Mark 7:26)
71. Saintly Welsh bishop and wonder worker (d.626, f.1-31)
72. "The earth will ___ like a drunkard..." (Is 24:20)
74. Cleaning cabinet supplies
76. "...y paz en la tierra a los hombres que ___ el Senor." (Gloria a Dios)
77. "I have told you this so that my joy may ___ you..." (John 15:11)
78. Turkish city called Edessa in the Patristic era
80. Episcopal congress site of 1786
82. "Dies ___"
84. Muslims of the Middle Ages
87. St. Albert of ___, Carmelite priest (d.1307, f.8-7)
89. Person from the priestly tribe in Israel
91. Not of the clergy
93. ‘___ knew you. Depart from me, you evildoers.’ (Mat 7:23)
96. “Do ___ afraid; just have faith.” (Mark 5:36)
99. Kind of eclipse at Jesus' death
100. Christmas surprise from work
101. "Bendita tu eres ___ todas las mujeres..." (Dios te Salve, Maria)
102. Animals for which Saul searched (1 Sam 9)
105. "There once was a person who had ___ tree planted in his orchard..." (Luke 13:6)
106. Dedicated
108. Son of Ramses I
110. Follower's suffix
111. Where Francis Xavier worked in India
112. St. ___ of Kermartin, priest (d.1303, f.5-19)
113. Santa ___, madre de Maria