21 x 21 Crossword: “Not in the Beginning”
1. Misses the mark, e.g.
5. 1/20 of a shekel (Ex 30:13)
10. "___ por nosotros pecadores..." (Dios te Salve, Maria)
15. "___ Dimittis" (Night Prayer Canticle)
19. Saintly Palestinian missionary (d.304, f.4-24)
20. "... I will never ___ his name from the book of life..." (Rev 3:5)
21. High Priest before Caiaphas
22. "... it is appointed that human beings die ___, and after this the judgment" (Heb 9:27)
23. "...but the chaff he will burn with ___." (Luke 3:17)
26. Father of Gaal (Jgs 9:26)
27. Leah's firstborn
28. Ben ___, book before Isaiah
29. Son of Bela (1 Chr 8:3)
31. “Find out whose son the ___ is.” (1 Sam 17:56)
32. "...the poor man had nothing except one little ___ lamb..." (2 Sam 12:3)
33. Rule opposed by Gandhi
35. Cartholic baroque composer Antonio ___ (d.1740)
37. Run off to the chapel
39. "...your ___ and your staff comfort me." (Psalm 23:4)
41. "Amazing Grace" composer John
43. Son of Eliphaz (Gen 36:11)
46. "Fr. ___" (movie starring Catholic actor Mark Wahlberg)
49. "Woe ___, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites..."
51. Richard ___, OFM, author of "Radical Grace"
52. Byzantine ___ Catholic Church
53. Av or Avril
55. Turkish hospices
57. Sisters of Christian Community, initially
59. "She was with child and wailed aloud in pain ___ labored to give birth." (Rev 12:2)
60. "But now once for ___ has appeared at the end of the ages..." (Heb 9:26)
61. "Dona ___ Pacem" (Latin hymn)
63. G.I. entertainers
64. “If only ___ died in the land of Egypt...!” (Num 14:2)
65. Ace place?
67. Draw back in horror
69. "Better is an open rebuke than ___ that remains hidden." (Prov 27:5)
71. Certain miracle workers
73. “When you hold a ___ or a dinner, do not invite your friends..." (Luke 14:12)
74. Hebrew letters
77. "...two ___ of excellent polished bronze, as precious as gold." (Ezra 8:27)
78. "...you do not know where it comes from or where ___..." (John 3:8)
80. Kind of loaves Jesus multiplied (John 6:9)
81. "Give it ___!"
83. West of "My Little Chickadee"
85. Tolkien dragon
87. Second Archbishop of Baltimore, Leonard ___, SJ (d.1817)
88. Catholic poet ___ Alighieri (d.1321)
89. Loretto Sisters, initially
91. Language of St. Maelrubha
92. “What ___ that you are mindful of him, and a son of man that you care for him?” (Ps 8:5)
93. "I looked out in the night, and there was a man mounted on ___ horse..." (Zec 1:8)
94. "The evildoer gives heed to wicked lips, the ___, to a mischievous tongue." (Prov 17:4)
96. City in the land of Goshen
98. "Later!"
99. Descendants of Japheth (Gen 10:2)
101. Gregory ___, Bishop of Sale, Australia
103. "___ Mediocri" (1893 Leo XIII encyclical)
104. "My God, I call ___, but you do not answer..." (Ps 22:3)
106. Patron saint of people with disabilities (d.710, f.9-1)
108. "And everyone who listens to these words of mine but does not ___..." (Mat 7:26)
110. Wedding vow
113. "To ___ is human ..."
115. "‘Look, the ___ is beyond you." (1 Sam 20:22)
117. Cova da ___, apparition site
119. Celebration of the Resurrection
121. St. ___ Chabanel, North American Martyr (d.1649, f.10-19)
123. "...God handed them over to their ___ to do what is improper." (Rom 1:28)
126. Unclean amphibian
127. "...others spread leafy branches that they had cut from the fields." (Mark 11:8)
128. "Visionary" prophets
129. Being, to Aquinas
130. Many bishops' degrees (abbr.)
131. The Sword of Sts. Cosmas and Damian, a.k.a. the Sword of ___
132. Author Dillard, who won the Pulitzer Prize for "Pilgrim at Tinker Creek"
133. Bleacher feature
1. Accustom
2. “Come, let us go to Gilgal to ___ the kingship there.” (1 Sam 11:14)
3. St. ___ Gonzalez, SJ, martyr (d.1628, f.11-16)
4. Give the cold shoulder
5. Saintly Diocletian martyr of Albitina, North Africa (d.304, f.2-12)
6. St. ___ of Slane, Irish druid convert of St. Patrick (d.513, f.11-2)
7. Stadium cheers
8. Cry of the Ancient Mariner
9. Where David reigned in Judah (2 Sam 2:11)
10. Sally Field's "Norma ___"
11. "Take care, brothers, that none of you may have an evil and ___..." (Heb3:12)
12. Arthurian lady
13. Eden or Gethsemane
14. "Set me as ___ upon your heart..." (SoS 8:6)
15. Ark builder (DR)
16. Passover requirement
17. Group comprised of 140,000 members who are, for the most part, parochial school teachers and administrators (abbr.)
18. Saintly Anglo-Saxon monk and Bishop of London (d.664, f.10-26)
24. Lo, How a Rose ___ Blooming
25. “What I am doing, you do not understand now, but you will understand ___.” (John 13:7)
30. "All the host of heaven shall ___..." (Is 34:4)
34. "...there will be more ___ heaven over one sinner who repents..." (Luke 15:7)
36. The terrible ___ (toddler phase)
38. Endures
40. Tither, e.g.
42. Tolkien creatures
44. Baile ___ Cliath (Dublin)
45. Desideratum
46. "They will ___ you to the ground and your children within you..." (Luke 19:44)
47. "___, lege" ("Take, read", message to Augustine)
48. Passover requirement
49. St. Maximilian of ___, martyr, patron of conscientious objectors (d.295, f.3-12)
50. "...the ___ is made holy through the brother." (1 Cor 7:14)
54. When Jesus will raise us up (John 6:40)
56. "...___ in coelo, et in terra..." (Pater Noster)
58. Frosty's eyes
59. "When ___ in labor, she is in anguish..." (John 16:21)
62. Hymns, e.g.
66. Before, of yore
68. "What if I want him to remain until ___?" (John 21:22)
70. Test site
72. Srs. Minor of Mary Immaculate, initially
75. "Come and see the place where ___." (Mat 28:6)
76. Town in Egypt on the border with Ethiopia (Ezek 29:10)
79. Inhabitant of the capital of Etam
81. Rodin sculpture at the Met
82. Singular, to Caesar
84. "So he went and washed, and came back ___ to see." (John 9:7)
86. St. Catherine of ___, widow (d.1510, f.9-15)
90. Augustine followed him prior to his conversion
95. One might be first, second or third class
97. Thurible "fuel"
100. St. ___ of Herzfeld, widow (d.825, f.9-4)
101. Michael J. ___, Archbishop Emeritus of Agana (ret'd. 2023)
102. Saint from Avila
105. "When he made ___ for the rain and a path for the thunderbolts..." (Job 28:26)
107. Temptress of Odysseus
109. Christmas present necessity
110. "___, Paul, who am telling you..." (Gal 6:12)
111. Word describing the plague of darkness (Ex 10:22)
112. The Basilian Fathers, e.g.
113. Tolkien tree creatures
114. "...the ___ and offspring of David" (Rev 22:16)
116. Harem rooms
118. Priest under Amenhotep III, whose tomb was found in 2002
120. Jesuit Pierre-Jean de ___, missionary nicknamed "Friend of Sitting Bull"
122. Mormons, initially
124. Prefix meaning "with"
125. Son of Bela (1 Chr 7:7)