21 x 21 Crossword: “Catholic PC”
1. "___ nobis" (pray for us)
7. See of St. Sabinus (d.566, f.2-9)
13. St. Stephen of Mar ___, nephew of St. John Damascene (d.794, f.3-31)
17. Group who stole Job's oxen and donkeys (Job 1:14)
19. One of the Twelve legendary knights of Charlemagne
20. First Carolingian king of the Franks, from 751-768
21. “___ denarius; whose image and name does it bear?” (Luke 20:24)
22. "And the earth shall be a waste because of its inhabitants, as ___ of their deeds. (Mic 7:13)
23. ___ Biblique, Catholic U. in Jerusalem
24. Saintly Benedictine Irish abbot of Amalbarich, martyr (d.815, f.2-6)
25. One of three by this name, only the first being canonized
28. Defeats or scourges
30. "Obedience is better than sacrifice, to listen, better than the ___ of rams." (1 Sam 15:22)
31. Aesop's genre
32. Bible placeholder?
35. River of Lyon
37. Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, by Ludwig ___
40. "You Are ___" (Dan Schutte hymn)
41. "May I not tell you that you ___ me your very self." (Phlm 19)
42. "When Arpach′___ had lived thirty-five years, he became the father of Shelah..." (Gen 11:12, RSV)
45. "...sed tantum dic verbo et sanabitur anima ___." (Non sum dignus)
46. ___ Master's Voice
48. Denom. headquartered in Nashville (abbr.)
49. Wife of Jacob (DR)
50. Dr. ___ Sri of the Augustine Institute
51. International Catholic movement dedicated to peace and justice
55. Off
57. Greeting that means "the presence of life," literally
59. "Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with ___."
60. Letter between zeta and theta
62. "Stille ___" (Mohr Christmas carol)
63. "___ Vos" (1832 Gregory XVI encyclical)
65. “Have you never ___ what David did...?" (Mark 2:25)
68. Delta, in Tolkien-speak (LOTR)
70. The Pope's committees of experts convened for specific purposes
77. "...in whom ___ my delight." (Ps 16:3)
78. Ben ___, book before Isaiah
79. "Redemptoris ___" (1990 John Paul II encyclical)
80. Saintly mother of St. Bernard of Clairvaux
83. Book after Jer
85. Book before I Jn
88. "...all blasphemies that people ___ will be forgiven them." (Mark 3:8)
89. Pinkish-violet
90. Female Franciscans?
94. Martinique, par exemple
95. A king of Midian (Num 31:8)
96. Crosier Fathers, initially
99. "...___ this scarlet cord in the window through which you are letting us down." (Jos 2:18)
100. Subsidiary publisher of St. Benedict Press
101. ...his hour had come to ___ from this world to the Father." (John 13:1)
102. Ottoman hat
103. "Take my yoke ___ you..." (Mat 11:29)
105. Descendats of Shem (Gen 10:22)
107. Biblical witch's town
109. Sisters of St. Anne, initially
110. Father of Terah (Gen 11:24)
112. St. Elizabeth ___ Seton, foundress (d.1821, f.1-4)
114. City in 1 Mac 5:26
117. Necklace that hangs to the chest, worn by abbots and bishops
122. Carthusians, initially
124. Where "the Word became flesh" in v.14
126. Patron saint of Palermo (d.1166, f.7-14)
127. "Do not be carried away by all kinds of ___ teaching." (Heb 13:9)
129. Chalice
130. "...those who had diseases were pressing upon him ___ him." (Mark 3:10)
131. Saintly first bishop of Bangor, Wales (d.572, f.9-11)
132. “If you drive us out, ___ us into the herd of swine.” (Mat 8:31)
133. The four questions to ask when an argument has come to a "standstill"
134. "...see, your king comes, seated upon ___ colt.” (John 12:15)
1. Trinitarians, initially
2. Harlot of Jericho
3. "I have ___ to pick with you!"
4. Liturgical aid, usually with mass prayers and responses on it
5. Area inherited by Gad (Deut 4:43)
6. "...that they may be ___." (John 17:22)
7. "Take ___ guard against all greed..." (Luke 12:15)
8. Catholic actor Baldwin
9. Org. with a mission
10. Saintly monk and missionary (d.855, f.6-12)
11. Saintly successor to St. Comgall as abbot of Bangor Abbey, Ireland (d.610, f.2-28)
12. See of St. Armentarius and St. Valerius
13. Where a large cistern was located near Ramah (1 Sam 19:22)
14. Kind of camera?
15. Catholic cartoonist Keane
16. "Wheel of Fortune" purchase
18. "...heartache can ___ one’s strength...." (Sir 38:18)
19. Sobriquet for Catholic composer Haydn
20. Dutch Jesuit and Doctor of the Church (d.1597, f.12-21)
26. "...of every kind of thing that crawls on the ground, two ___ will come to you..." (Gen 6:20)
27. Thick slice
29. Body of Greece?
33. "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but ___ fulfilled is a tree of life." (Prov 13:12)
34. "Then I saw a ___ come out of the sea..." (Rev 13:1)
36. Word always followed by "day" in John's gospel
38. St. Peter ___, Vietnamese martyr (d.1839, f.12-20)
39. "___ the season to be jolly"
42. Poste Vaticane product
43. Prefix with centric
44. "You build the tombs of the prophets and ___ the memorials of the righteous..." (Mat 23:29)
47. Jean d'Arc, e.g.
51. Pastor's eyes and ears on the parish, often
52. Greek goddess of marriage
53. "My mind ___, shuddering assails me..." (Is 21:4)
54. "...shall restore the thing that was stolen, the ___ unjustly retained" (Lev 5:23)
56. Member of the order founded by Jean-Claude Colin (SM)
58. His descendants were post-exilic gatekeepers (Ezra 2:42)
61. "To Thee", in Spanish prayer
64. "So ___ son frees you, then you will truly be free." (John 8:36)
66. Pallium pins (Lat.)
67. One of the three Greek architectural styles
69. Hermit Sisters of Mary, initially
71. “...they brought to him all who were ___...” (Mark 1:32)
72. "All you peoples, ___ your hands..." (Ps 47:2)
73. Knights' protection
74. St. Peter Damian's see
75. Bl. ___ Stensen, convert called "God's Scientist" (d.1686, f.12-5)
76. Lazarus was covered with them (Lk 16:20)
80. Hebrew letters
81. “Do not be afraid. I am the first and the last, the one who ___." (Rev 1:17-18)
82. Kohathite leader (Num 3:30)
84. Canaanite god of the dead
86. Eucharistic plates
87. Bishop John Nhan ___, Auxiliary of Atlanta
91. Chrism, essentially
92. Ancestor of Jesus (Luke 3:35)
93. St. ___ of Aran, early Irish abbot (d.530, f.3-21)
97. "Then they ___ in his face and struck him..." (Mat 26:67)
98. Romans groups of soldiers
101. Catholic marriage preparation course
104. "But they have ___; they last only for a time." (Mark 4:17)
106. Post-exilic gold coins
108. Gandalf's original name (LOTR)
111. Haile Selassie disciple
113. Ark builder
115. "That ___ you." (Nathan's accusation to David)
116. Rival of ancient Sparta
118. Arthurian lady
119. Bl. Joseph Tien was the first native martyr of this country
120. "Here is a ___ for one who has wisdom." (Rev 17:9)
121. Srs. of St. Dorothy, initially
123. Archeological mounds
124. Book after Jos
125. Mined find
128. The Camellia variety is named for a Catholic priest