21 x 21 Crossword: “Works of C.S. Lewis”
1. Paul's co-worker (Phmn 24)
6. San ___, hometown of St. Justin de Jacobis
10. Baby buggies
15. Zucchettos, e.g.
19. "...every family must procure for itself ___..." (Ex 12:3)
20. "...which grows today and is thrown into the ___ tomorrow..." (Mat 6:30)
21. Where a voice was heard when the Holy Innocents died? (Mat 2:18)
22. St. Angelo of ___, priest (d.1739, f.10-30)
23. 1952 C.S. Lewis work based on his 1941-1944 radio talks
26. God with a hammer
27. Where Jesus raised the widow's son
28. Eye rakishly
29. Turning water to wine, e.g.
30. "Come see a man who told me everything ___ done." (John 4:29)
31. Sisters of the Divine Savior, initially
32. Takes to court
33. St. Patrick's land
34. "...this is exactly what you dreamed, and its meaning is ___.” (Dan 2:45)
36. "...the Lord God formed the man out of the ___ of the ground..." (Gen 2:7)
37. Intro drawing class
38. "Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in ___." (Luke 23:43)
42. Fall
45. 1961 C.S Lewis work about his experience of the death of his wife, Joy Davidman, in 1960
47. King of Norway (995-1000)
48. Julie and Jeanne, e.g.
49. Saintly Irish virgin (d.570, f.1-15)
50. Dynamic start
51. St. ___, Virgin and "Apostle of Georgia" (d.4th C., f.1-14)
52. "Gottes ___, o wie lacht..." (Stille Nacht)
53. ___ Lingus
55. Sisters of the Divine Savior, initially
58. Religious sch.
59. Order of the Most Holy Redeemer, initially
60. Bard's "before"
61. "The ___" (How the author of 2 John introduces himself)
63. "You can tread upon the ___ and the viper..." (Psalm 91:13)
65. 1950-1956 C.S Lewis work for children
72. "Of its own accord the land yields fruit, first the blade, then the ___..." (Mark 4:28)
73. Full brother of Gad
74. “___ at my right hand..." (Psalm 110:1)
75. They powered Peter's boat
76. Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, by Ludwig ___
79. "The Abolition of ___" (1943 C.S. Lewis work)
81. St. Andrew Kim Tae-___, martyr, and first Korean Catholic priest (d.1846, f.9-20)
82. "Iucunda ___" (1904 Pius X encyclical)
83. Village of men and Hobbits (LOTR)
84. "Jesus entered the temple ___..." (Mat 21:12)
86. Sacramental affirmation
88. Pretense
89. Greek name meaning "shining light"
90. 1955 C.S. Lewis work about his life from his early childhood to his conversion to Christianity in 1931
95. Biblical coin
96. Kind of punishment?
97. Interminable time
98. "We have become like the world’s rubbish, the ___ of all, to this very moment." (1 Cor 4:13)
99. Garden planted by God
100. Smite
101. "I ___ many tears because no one was found worthy..." (Rev 5:4)
102. Society of Teresa of Jesus, initially
105. Like Peter, to Simon
108. Helps
109. Son of Ezer (Gen 36:27)
110. Roman emperor between Galba and Vitellius (d.69)
111. Christian last name?
112. 1942 C.S. Lewis work about the wiles of the devil (with "The")
116. "Quinquagesimo ___" (1929 Pius XI encyclical)
117. Muscat native
118. "Allow it now, for thus it is fitting for ___ fulfill all righteousness." (Mat 3:15)
119. "They put him to death by hanging him on ___." (Acts 10:39)
120. “Have you never ___ what David did...?" (Mark 2:25)
121. Father of Leah and Rachel
122. "Does it not ___ like nothing in your eyes?" Haggai (2:3)
123. Midafternoon Prayers
1. Condemns to hell
2. Son of Ephraim (1 Chr 7:21)
3. Catholic Yankee slugger, Roger ___
4. The end of grace?
5. Denom. headquartered in Nashville (abbr.)
6. "Can a mother ___ her infant...?" (Is 49:15)
7. "All these ___ come from within and they defile.” (Mark 7:23)
8. "___ majeste" (treason)
9. Resident of Tolkien's Fangorn Forest (LOTR)
10. Grassy expanse
11. “These seven are the eyes of the Lord that ___ over the whole earth.” (Zec 4:10)
12. "While I ___ the world..." (John 9:5)
13. Paralytic's bed (Mark 2:4)
14. "When they see me in public, they quickly ___ away. (Ps 31:12)
15. Ex ___
16. 4th C. African saint (f.11-1)
17. Book before Eccl
18. "Your majesty"
24. "...I will enter his house and dine with him, and he with me." (Rev 3:20)
25. "___, Lord?" Last Supper question (Mat 26:22, DR)
30. "Dies ___"
32. Father of Gaddi, of Manasseh (Num 13:11)
33. Misses the mark, e.g.
34. St. ___, monk of Palestine (d.532, f.12-5)
35. Theologian Hans ___ von Balthasar
36. "The Great ___" (1945 C.S. Lewis work about heaven and hell)
37. Saintly deacon and martyr (d.292, f.6-9)
38. "...there appeared a smoking fire ___ and a flaming torch..." (Gen 15:17)
39. St. ___, town in Cornwall England named for the Irish St. Ia
40. Like the Negeb
41. Esau's land
42. "___ worry" (Jesus' constant admonition in Matthew 6)
43. Enuma ___, Babylonian creation story
44. Parson's home
45. Goddess of wisdom
46. "...put out raging ___..." (Heb 11:34)
48. Ret'd. Auxiliary Eparch of St. Peter the Apostle of San Diego, His Excellency Bawai ___
52. California mission founder Junipero
53. John ___, editor of Crux
54. City in southern Judah (Jos 15:21)
56. Catholic poet ___ Alighieri (d.1321)
57. Sisters of St. Anne, initially
61. Root meaning of "catechism"
62. It lasts five decades?
64. "The ___ of Pain" (1940 C.S. Lewis work of theodicy)
66. Father of Canaan
67. "It ___ who acquits us." (Rom 8:33)
68. A necessity for clean fish?
69. St. Gregory of ___, Armenian mystical poet Doctor (d.1011, f.2-27)
70. Name meaning "Peace"
71. "Set me as ___ upon your heart..." (SoS 8:6)
76. Brewer's kiln
77. "Faithful and ___" (title for Jesus in Rev 19:11)
78. Semester at Georgetown, e.g.
80. Month after Adar
82. "___, Sing" (Lucien Deiss hymn)
85. Manifested visually
87. "...y libranos ___ mal." (Padre Nuestro)
88. "...I am creating Jerusalem to be ___ and its people to be a delight..." (Is 65:18)
89. Judge, and son of Gera (Jgs 3:15)
91. "Three times I was beaten with ___..." (2 Cor 11:25)
92. Anger
93. Catholic actor Alec
94. Leaven
95. Manger ___ (Creche)
98. Biblical peace
100. St. Catherine of ___, Doctor of the Church
101. Site of early Egyptian monks
102. Part of the boat where Jesus slept in Mark 4:38
103. Number of Johannine epistles
104. "Brother" of Jesus (Mark 6:3)
105. Sixth Jewish month
106. St. Anne ___, martyr (d.1601, f.2-27)
107. Letter after theta
108. St. Marie Alphonsine Danil Ghattas, ethnically
109. Semicircular recess in a church
110. ___ the Great, Holy Roman Emperor, 962-973
112. Roman sun god
113. Nashville-based awards org.
114. "Lieb' ___ deinem gottlichen Mund" (Stille Nacht)
115. Subsidiary publisher of St. Benedict Press