May 24: “Simeon Stylites the Younger”
1. St. Paulinus of ___, bishop (d.431, f.6-22)
5. Mozart's "great" one was in C Minor
9. Beasts of burden
14. Greek god of war
15. Saintly virgin and martyr of Brecknock (d.6th C., f.8-1)
16. "___ Propediem" (1921 Benedict XV encyclical)
17. Where St. Simeon Stylites lived most of his life
19. Spouse of Sarai
20. Bible atlas entry
21. "I saw the Spirit come ___ like a dove from the sky..." (John 1:32)
22. Resurrect
23. "Set ___" (permanent)
25. John wasn't worthy to tie the one on Jesus' sandal (John 1:27)
28. St. Alexius ___ Yong, Korean martyr (d.1866, f.9-20)
29. William E. ___, 16th Archbishop of Baltimore
30. “There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and ___ fish..." (John 6:9)
33. St. ___ of Hexham, missionary and patron of learning (d.742, f.10-20)
36. St. Ambrose's see
37. Egypt and Syria, once: Abbr.
38. Bl. Joseph Outhay, martyr, ethnically (d.1961, f.12-16)
39. St. Simeon Stylites the Younger had this gift from God
41. Religious Sisters of Charity, initially
42. Letter before nun
43. St. Vedast, bishop of ___ (d.540, f.2-6)
44. Hebrew letters
45. "With your mighty ___ you redeemed your people..." (Ps 77:16)
46. Little Servant Srs. of the Immaculate Conception, initially
47. Hebrew measure of about ten ephahs (var.)
49. Become one
51. "And when he comes he will ___ the world in regard to sin..." (John 16:8)
55. "Iucunda ___" (1904 Pius X encyclical)
57. Son of Ebed (Jgs 9:26)
58. Secular Franciscan, initially
59. What an evil and unfaithful generation seeks? (Mat 12:39)
61. Number of years St. Simeon Stylites the Younger sat on the same stylos
63. "... he asked him to put out a short distance from the ___. (Luke 5:3)
64. Grandfather of Zechariah
65. River of Rohan (LOTR)
66. "Desde allí ha de ___ a juzgar a vivos y muertos." (Credo de los Apostoles)
67. Congregation of the Srs. of St. Felix, initially
68. Clothed
1. Woman who asked to be called Mara (Ruth 1:20)
2. Jebusite from whom David bought a threshing floor (1 Chr 21:22)
3. "At this my heart trembles and ___ out of its place." (Job 37:1)
4. "You can tread upon the ___ and the viper..." (Psalm 91:13)
5. Richard Joseph ___, bishop of Buffalo (ret'd. 2019)
6. "You Are ___ Have" (Hymn by Francis Patrick O'Brien)
7. Catholic author, speaker, musician and life coach, ___ Forrest
8. Sisters of the Divine Redeemer, initially
9. King of Judah who was "like David his father" (1 Kgs 15:11)
10. Native Israeli
11. What St. Simeon Stylites spent much of his day copying
12. Named historical periods
13. "Jesus Christ is the ___ yesterday, today, and forever." (Heb 13:8)
18. Responses given during some sacraments
24. "Pleni sunt coeli et terra Gloria ___" (Sanctus)
25. Oscar Azarcon ___, Bishop of Salt Lake City, Utah
26. Bishop John Nhan ___, Auxiliary of Atlanta
27. "The Fellowship of the ___" (Tolkien work)
29. Pinkish-violet
31. “Go ___ in the Pool of Siloam.” (John 9:7)
32. Tolkien creatures
33. Soul of Rome?
34. "No nos dejes ___ en la tentacion." (Padre Nuestro)
35. Because he was an ordained priest, people would climb to receive this from St. Simeon Stylites' hand
36. St. ___ of St. Just, missionary and martyr (d.1900, f.7-9)
39. City in Asher (Jos 19:25)
40. At one time, at one time
44. Book after Pss
47. "...putting a bronze helmet on his head and arming him with a ___ mail." (1 Sam 17:38)
48. ___-begotten Son (Gloria)
50. Catholic actress Pola
51. Some are holy
52. "Take courage, ___." (Mark 6:50)
53. "A man, on the other hand, should not ___ his head..." (1 Cor 11:4)
54. Counter-Reformation Council site
55. Srs. of the Assumption, initially
56. "...the Lord did for her ___ had promised." (Gen 21:1)
57. Mercury and Saturn
60. Saul's grandfather
61. Brothers of Christian Instruction, initially
62. Biblical tree or leaf?