May 31: “Petronilla”
1. "The Lord has ___ his holy arm in the sight of all the nations..." (Is 52:10)
6. Profession of Faith
11. Leb. neighbor
14. "He has not left me ___..." (John 8:29)
15. "...y resucito al tercer dia, ___ las Escrituras..." (Credo Niceno)
16. Sixth Hebrew letter
17. St. Petronilla was buried with Sts. Nereus and Achilleus in "her" catacomb
19. "And everyone who listens to these words of mine but does not ___..." (Mat 7:26)
20. Advent, e.g.
21. St. Samson of ___, Cornish bishop and missionary (d.565, f.7-28)
22. Egyptian cross
23. "Our Father, who ___ in heaven..."
24. "Fr. ___" (movie starring Mark Wahlberg)
26. The N of CNS
28. Coastal flier
30. Persian official in the Book of Daniel
34. Unclean bird (Lev 11:16-18)
37. God's messenger
39. "Just so, your light must ___ before others..." (Mat 5:16)
40. What St. Petronilla was, according to The Golden Legend
43. Saintly abbot of Cluny responsible for All Souls Day (d.1049, f.1-1)
44. The Word (Gk)
45. "With uplifted ___ he led them out of it..." (Acts 13:17)
46. Jael's victim (Jgs 4:21)
48. How the woman at the well addressed Jesus (John 4:11, 15)
49. Those named for Mary's mother
51. Movement founded by Bishop Bernard Sheil of Chicago in 1930 (abbr.)
53. Scottish uncle
56. Handwriting on the wall
59. Arabic letter
61. Fanons
63. Book before Ex
64. St. Petronilla is the patron of these French kings
66. Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, by Ludwig ___
67. Obeys
68. Procession path
69. St. Elizabeth Bichier ___ Ages, foundress (d.1836, f.8-26)
70. Son of Asher (Gen 46:17)
71. Syllables from Santa
1. St. ___ of Edessa, wife of a pagan priest, and Diocletian Martyr (d.304, f.8-21)
2. "I will not violate my covenant; the promise of my lips I will not ___." (Ps 89:35)
3. St. Emily de ___, foundress (d.1852, f.9-19)
4. Grandson of Adam
5. "___ Gracias al Senor" (Spanish hymn)
6. EWTN hrs., when it's not DST
7. Biblical scholar Barbara, Dominican feminist
8. King of Moab (Jgs 3:17)
9. Avery Robert ___, SJ, Cardinal-Deacon (d.2008)
10. "A city set ___ mountain cannot be hidden." (Mat 5:14)
11. Bl. ___ Merz, patron of World Youth Day (d.1928, f.5-10)
12. "Carry no money bag, no ___, no sandals; and greet no one along the way." (Luke 10:4)
13. Great-grandmother of King David
18. "Understand clearly that this man is ___ on evil." (1 Kgs 20:7)
22. "After the sabbath, ___ first day of the week was dawning..." (Mat 28:1)
25. St. Justus of ___, bishop (d.527, f.5-28)
27. Derogatory term for a once politically and financially elitist social group
29. ___ Circus, a Roman emperor's arena, and the place where many Christians were martyred
31. Bl. ___ Amada de Jesus, religious (d.1913, f.1-6)
32. Ally of Abraham against the Elamites (Gen 14:13)
33. St. Stephen of ___, Russian Orthodox bishop, painter and missionary (d.1396, f.4-26)
34. Saintly abbots of Canterbury and Cluny
35. Dry river bed in the OT
36. San ___ Obispo, Calif.
37. "There I will make ___ sprout for David" (Psalm 132:17)
38. Philosophers' forte
41. What Ruth did in the field of Boaz (Ruth 2:19)
42. "It is better ___ to lose one of your members..." (Mat 5:29)
47. Catholic hymn by Tom Conry that begins: "We are called, we are chosen..."
50. Bishop Fulton ___, of "Life is Worth of Living"
52. Naomi's other daughter-in-law
53. Enuma ___, Babylonian creation story
54. ___ Park, N.J., Thomas Edison home
55. Twisty turns
56. “___, be merciful to me a sinner.” (Luke 18:13)
57. Apportion, with "out"
58. Tolkien tree creatures
60. "Can any of you by worrying ___ moment to your life-span?" (Luke 12:25)
62. He guided the ark cart with his brother Uzzah (2 Sm 6:3)
64. St. Peter ___, Vietnamese martyr (d.1839, f.12-20)
65. Last year's palms this year?