May 17: “Paschal Baylon”
1. Sage
6. St. ___ Chabanel, North American Martyr (d.1649, f.10-19)
10. Fifth NT book
14. Descendant of Midian (Gen 25:4)
15. Island where San Giulio's arrival drove away the serpents and monsters
16. St. Thomas ___, martyr who shares a feast day with St. John Fisher
17. Kind of lay brother St. Paschal Baylon was
19. Ally of Abraham against the Elamites
20. Jesus healed Malchus' (Luke 22:51)
21. "___ enough!" (Last Supper words of Jesus, Lk 22:38)
22. "He rescued us from such great ___ of death..." (2 Cor 1:10)
24. Paradise lost?
25. First major capital of the Ottoman Empire
26. Our Lord and ___, Jesus Christ
29. "I ___ you to buy from me gold refined by fire..." (Rev 3:18)
32. St. Bridget's land
33. Jesse's eldest son (1 Sam 17:13)
34. "Hope" in a 2007 Benedict XVI title
37. Babylonian idol (Dan 14:3)
38. St. Paschal Baylon had ecstatic ones
40. The Dead ___ Scrolls
41. Hand signals for the hearing impaired, briefly
42. Cos and Patmos, e.g.
43. Catholic author Ghezzi, who wrote "The Heart of Catholicism"
44. "Our twelve tribes hope to ___ to that promise..." (Acts 26:7)
46. The four questions to ask when an argument has come to a "standstill"
48. Catholic baseball legend Yogi
50. "Love and truth will ___; justice and peace will kiss." (Ps 85:11)
51. Consents
53. "...___ holding twenty to thirty gallons." (John 2:6)
54. Deluge vessel
57. "Jesus entered the temple ___..." (Mat 21:12)
58. Object St. Paschal Baylon is often depicted with in art
61. "___ On, O King Eternal"
62. Notable historical periods
63. “May no fruit ever come from you ___.” (Mat 21:19)
64. Two-year ecclesiastical degrees (abbr.)
65. Ninth son of Ishmael (Gen 25:15)
66. Father of Jeroboam
1. "Keep me ___, O God; in you I take refuge." (Ps 16:1)
2. "...por ___ y gracia del Espiritu Santo." (Credo Apostolico)
3. One who denies Jesus is the Christ (1 John 2:22)
4. Company of Mary, initially
5. "...___ del Padre antes de todos los siglos..." (Credo Niceno)
6. “If you were blind, you would have ___..." (John 9:41)
7. Tolkien creatures
8. Greek vowel
9. What the meek will inherit (Mat 5:5)
10. Persian deity (Ps 89:13)
11. Eucharistic events for which St. Paschal Baylon is patron
12. "...the leaves of the ___ serve as medicine..." (Rev 22:2)
13. ___ International, lay apostolate for vocations
18. Old Roman road
23. Hebrew months
24. A as in Aachen?
26. Descendants of Cush (Gen 10:7)
27. Greek war lord?
28. Spanish city where St. Paschal Baylon's tomb is a pilgrimage site
29. "...every lie is ___ to the truth." (1 John 2:21)
30. God of Guatamala?
31. St. Matthew Le ___ Gam, martyr (d.1847, f.5-11)
33. Ancestor of Jesus (Luke 3:25)
35. French priest
36. "...whoever ___ this bread will live forever..." (John 6:51)
38. "Humanae ___" (1968 Paul VI encyclical)
39. Jesus, to Muslims
43. ___ Mitzvah, rite of passage
45. "You shall not muzzle an ox when it ___ out grain." (Deut 25:4)
46. Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses, e.g.
47. Mideast capital
48. Canaanite idols
49. "Snowy" bird
50. Lemuel's realm (Prov 31:1)
52. Jesuit Pierre-Jean de ___, nicknamed "Friend of Sitting Bull"
53. City apportioned to Judah (Jos 15:34)
54. Where Joshua destroyed the Anakim (Jos 11:21)
55. The catechumenate (abbr.)
56. St. Ethelbert of ___, King (d.616, f.2-25)
59. It needs refinement
60. Bronze ___