May 14: “Matthias”
1. St. ___ of Gurk, noblewoman and widow (d.1045, f.6-27)
5. Unclean lizard (Lev 11:30)
10. Common Christmas present in the north
14. Word following inner or upper
15. Sage
16. St. Nazaria Ignacia March ___, foundress (d.1943, f.7-6)
17. "Lead us not ___ temptation"
18. Santa ___, CA
19. “You have asked something that is not ___." (2 Kgs 2:10)
20. With 58 across, what St. Matthias was once he was chosen by lot to replace Judas
23. First book of the Bible (abbr.)
24. "___! You who would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days..." (Mk 15:29)
25. Daughters of St. Paul, initially
28. School Srs. of Notre Dame, initially
31. Pope St. ___, martyr (166-175)
36. Son of Abdiel (1 Chr 5:15)
37. "...hagase tu voluntad en la ___..." (Padre Nuestro)
40. St. Toribio ___ Gonzalez, priest and martyr (d.1928, f.5-21)
41. Bring in the sheaves
43. St. Joseph ___, Spanish priest and wonder-worker (d.1702, f.3-23)
44. One of the leaders of the people in Neh 10:17
45. Island where St. Columba founded a monastery when he came to Scotland
46. A person who has entered a religious order and is under probation, before taking vows
48. Like a biblical covenant (Heb 8:13)
49. Saintly priest and hermit (d.560, f.9-7)
51. Son of Zebulun (Gen 46:14)
52. "Santificado ___ tu nombre."
53. The Jairite who was David's priest (2 Sam 20:26)
56. Book after Dan
58. See 20 across
66. "He ___ and died to take away my sins." (How Great Thou Art)
67. Beth follower
68. Confirmation, e.g.
69. Father of King Josiah (2 Kgs 21:24)
70. Nicolo ___, master violin maker (1596-1684)
71. The "head" of a church building
72. ___ da Iria, Fatima site
73. Pinkish-violet
74. Pseudo beginnings?
1. Catholic composer Genuis
2. Beginning of theism
3. ___ proprio, special papal document
4. "...and made his dwelling ___ us." (John 1:14)
5. St. Matthias was chosen partly because he was with Jesus from the baptism of John until this event (Acts 1:22)
6. Magi gift
7. "...they are ___ for themselves..." (Rom 2:14)
8. Underground city of dwarves founded by Durin, a.k.a. Khazad-dum (LOTR)
9. Shamgar's father (Jgs 3:31)
10. Jesuit Pierre-Jean de ___, nicknamed "Friend of Sitting Bull"
11. Laban tricked Jacob into marrying her
12. Latin 101 verb
13. "For all of you are children of the light and children of the ___." (1 Thess 5:5)
21. "And do not subject us to the final ___..." (Mat 6:13)
22. Owns
25. Old Persian coin
26. Biblical abode of the dead
27. Instrument used in most churches
29. Emperor under whom Peter and Paul were martyred
30. "___ out that slave and her son!" (Gen 21:10)
32. ___ pro nobis, "Pray for us."
33. "Nacido del Padre antes de ___ los siglos..." (Credo Niceno)
34. St. ___, Quebec City (named for a martyr of Carthage)
35. "Why I Am Still a Catholic" author Chervin
38. Agitate
39. One for whom St. Matthias is patron
42. King Hadad's city (Gen 36:39)
47. Ancestor of Jesus (Luke 3:38)
50. Year in the reign of Pope St. Symmachus
54. À la king?
55. "Acerba ___" (1932 Pius XI encyclical)
57. John wasn't worthy to tie the one on Jesus' sandal (John 1:27)
58. St. Erasmus, familiarly (d.303, f.6-2)
59. 10th-century pope
60. Tobiah's mother-in-law
61. Son of Hotham (1 Chr 7:35)
62. Anti-fur org.
63. "Lord, open my ___, and my mouth..." (Prayer of David in Ps 51:17)
64. "___ Multa Luctuosa" (1873 Pius IX encyclical)
65. Dioceses
66. Rue du ___, apparition site in Paris