May 9: “Louise de Marillac”
1. “David arose and went with his men and ___ two hundred Philistines.” (1 Sam 18:27)
5. Where Joshua destroyed the Anakim (Jos 11:21)
9. "She put him to sleep on her ___..." (Jgs 16:19)
12. City in the land of Goshen
14. Something forbidden
15. St. ___ Mac Bricc, Bishop (d.589, f.11-10)
16. Where Peter healed Aeneas (Acts 9:32)
17. "There is ___ of only one thing." (Luke 10:42)
18. "...and your feet ___ in readiness for the gospel of peace." (Eph 6:15)
19. St. Louise de Marillac is their patron
22. It might be holy
23. St. ___ of Gurk, widow (d.1045, f.6-27)
24. Elwin ___, C.S. Lewis character
27. St. Fulgentius' see
30. "...receive a hundred times more now in this present ___..." (Mark 10:30)
31. ___ Montessori, Catholic educator
32. " all things I have learned the secret of being well ___ and of going hungry..." (Phil 4:12)
35. "___ Vadis"
36. "Daughters of ___ of St. [49 across]" (order founded by St. Louise de Marillac)
38. "You believe that God is ___" (Jam 2:19)
39. "Blessed ___ thou among women..."
40. Solomon's numbered 1000
41. " I sing my ___ to the king." (Psalm 45:2)
42. Great Old Testament prophet (DR)
43. Saul, with regard to Agag, e.g. (1 Sam 15:8)
46. Syrian saint and hermit who founded three monasteries (d.410, f.2-14)
48. Wise men from the east
49. St. Louise de Marillac's saintly confessor, counsellor, and co-founder
54. Temple prophetess
55. Saintly Archbishop of Rouen (d.683, f.8-24)
56. Reading that is usually sung
59. "Ut ___ Sint" (1995 John Paul II encyclical)
60. Letters from Nain?
61. Where the Jews were in Babylon?
62. Michael J. ___, Bishop of San Angelo
63. To be, to Brutus
64. One who worshiped Copacati
1. Cardinal letters?
2. Non-ordained
3. "All the ___ of the earth have seen the saving power of God" (Psalm response)
4. St. Louise de Marillac is one of their patrons
5. Canaanite fertility goddess
6. St. ___ Chabanel, North American Martyr (d.1649, f.10-19)
7. "And I will give them another heart and ___ spirit I will put within them." (Ezek 11:19)
8. Murray ___, Franciscan author of "The Journey and the Dream"
9. Bread (Heb.)
10. City in 1 Mc 13:20
11. Doctors of the Church have them?
13. ___ Cuore Immacolato di Maria, minor basilica in Rome
15. “Why do you ___ about the good?" (Mat 19:17)
20. City in southern Judah (Jos 15:29)
21. "___ to Caesar what belongs to Caesar..." (Mark 12:17)
24. Biblical term of contempt (Mat 5:22)
25. Author of Proverbs 30
26. St. ___, monk of Cornwall, England (d.877, f.7-31)
27. Hard-to-find cards, to collectors
28. Thummim partner
29. "He ordered the crowd to ___ down on the ground." (Mark 8:6)
31. Name meaning "bitter" (Ruth 1:20)
32. "With their hands they shall support you, lest you strike your ___ against a stone." (Ps 91:12)
33. Shusaku ___, Japanese Catholic author of "Silence"
34. "As the ___ longs for streams of water" (Psalm 42:1)
36. Corinthian Christian mentioned in 1 Cor 1:11
37. City doomed by Joshua (DR)
42. Camaldolese Hermits, initially
43. Zucchetto, e.g.
44. New Testament love (Gk)
45. Pope who canonized Louise de Marillac in 1934
46. "...summon against her the kingdoms: Ararat, ___, and Ashkenaz..." (Jer 51:27)
47. "___ Iam Plenus" (1920 Benedict XV encyclical)
48. "___ Maio" (1965 Paul VI encyclical)
49. Hebrew letters
50. "...there has been ___ greater than John the Baptist" (Mat 11:11)
51. "Totus ___" (John Paul II motto)
52. "Foxes have ___ and birds of the sky have nests..." (Mat 8:20)
53. "For then I should have ___ down and been tranquil..." (Job 3:13)
57. Cousin of Inc.
58. ___ culpa