May 1: “Joseph”
1. Lord of ___ (Yahweh Sabaoth)
6. Elijah's beginning?
9. ___ Atonement (11 down)
14. Hebrew measure comparable to a bushel
15. Parish catechetical leader (abbr.)
16. City in 1 Mc 13:20
17. Title for St. Joseph celebrated on this date
19. Jesus told Peter to feed his
20. Book before Jas
21. Vatican topper
22. Part of an ACTS retreat
23. Cut down
25. Sacrificial service?
27. City doomed by Joshua (DR)
28. Garden paradise
30. St. Colman of Lann ___, abbot (d.612, f.9-26)
32. Chi follower
35. Inscribed pillar
38. “...their great ___ make their authority over them felt.” (Mark 10:42)
39. Descendant of Ham (Gen 10:6)
40. "...having given King David a wise son of intelligence and understanding, who ___ for the Lord..." (2 Chr 2:11)
44. Temple porter (1 Chr 15:18, DR)
45. St. Loman of ___, bishop (d.450, f.10-11)
46. Item in a certain syllabus?
47. "Danos la ___" (Cordero de Dios)
48. Initials found on CDs of musicals
49. St. ___, bishop of Mercia (d.672, f.3-2)
51. "...the birds of the ___" (Gen 1:26)
53. Part of God's image? (Gen 1:27)
55. Minnesota's St. ___ College
59. Mountain of Moses' burial
61. Lot's wife, in the end
63. Cause of sin to pluck out?
64. The Colosseum, e.g.
66. St. Joseph is called a "tekton" in the Greek New Testament, which is usually translated by this word
68. INRI language
69. "Hope" in a 2007 Benedict XVI title
70. St. ___ of Trim, Bishop (d.450, f.10-11)
71. "___ Tanta" (1919 Benedict XV encyclical)
72. Sisters of the Holy Spirit, initially
73. "Visionary" prophets
1. Hebrew letters
2. Where the post-exilic temple servants lived (Neh 11:21)
3. Its queen visited Solomon
4. Last letter in the Hebrew alphabet
5. "...and your feet ___ in readiness for the gospel of peace." (Eph 6:15)
6. Mark Anthony ___, Auxiliary Bishop of Pittsburgh
7. "...the leaves of the ___ serve as medicine..." (Rev 22:2)
8. Byzantine chalice veil
9. "Fin ___ Principio" (1902 Leo XIII encyclical)
10. Village where Judas and his men camped (1 Mac 7:40)
11. Jewish festival requiring a "scapegoat"
12. Urbi et ___
13. Observe Ash Wednesday or Good Friday, e.g.
18. Vatican City city
24. Cry out in a loud voice, e.g.
26. “If you drive us out, ___ us into the herd of swine.” (Mat 8:31)
27. King Pekah's assassin (2 Kgs 15:30)
29. "When he began the accounting, a ___ was brought before him..." (Mat 18:24)
31. Saintly Roman noblewoman and friend of Jerome (d.384, f.3-22)
33. Bl. Henry ___, Dominican priest and mystic (d.1366, f.1-25)
34. Via Appia, e.g.
35. Trade
36. ___ Augustine, evangelist on the international FOCUS team
37. Saint ___ of the Trinity, virgin and mystic (d1906, f.11-8)
38. Srs. of Charity of Our Lady of Mercy, initially
41. Theologian Hans ___ von Balthasar
42. Book before Tit
43. Daily guide to liturgical norms
49. Poor ___, Franciscan women's order
50. "___, Lord, for no one loyal remains..." (Ps 12:2)
52. Asia Minor region
54. Ancestor of Jesus (Mat 1:7)
56. “Lord, ___ go first and bury my father.” (Mat 8:21)
57. " announce ___ of favor from the Lord..." (Is 61:2)
58. Irish Diocese founded by St. Aidan
59. Member of Balin's colony (LOTR)
60. Clan head of Shuthelah (Num 26:36)
62. Archeological mounds
65. Ted Stevens Int'l Airport, briefly
66. Stigmatines, initially
67. Ark builder (DR)