May 15: “Isidore the Farmer”
1. Saintly 7th C. French abbess (d.667, f.4-3)
5. Catholic Yankee slugger, Roger ___
10. The Latin "you love”?
14. Bird venerated by ancient Egyptians
15. Saintly widow of the martyr St. Castulus
16. Member of Balin's colony (LOTR)
17. What St. Isidore and his wife practiced after their only son was miraculously saved from a deep well
19. Son of Dishan (Gen 36:28)
20. St. Andrew Kim ___-Gon, Korean martyr
21. "May it be ___ to me ..." (Mary's fiat)
22. ___ Christi
23. Name meaning "bitter" (Ruth 1:20)
24. Rue du ___, apparition site in Paris
26. Hezekiah's mother
27. Logical beginning?
30. Breton or Welsh
31. "Fiddler on the Roof" gossip
33. Wisemen
34. Arabic letter
37. What St. Isidore's master saw angels doing to help Isidore
40. Episcopal congress site of 1786
41. St. Catherine of ___, widow (d.1510, f.9-15)
42. "...del ___ del infierno..."
43. Son of Zebulun (Gen 46:14)
44. Where Jesus raised a widow's son
45. Peak with St. Bernard of Montjoux as its patron
48. St. Bridget of Sweden's husband
49. "Iucunda ___" (1904 Pius X encyclical)
52. Fridays of Lent avoidances
54. "Ecce ___" (Pilate)
55. King of Judah who was "like David his father" (1 Kgs 15:11)
58. Author of Proverbs 30
59. One who has St. Isidore as a patron
62. Where Moses floated among the reeds
63. Son of Lot
64. US episcopal group, formerly (abbr.)
65. Holy Spirit form at Jesus' baptism
66. Mother of St. Gregory Nazianzen (d.374, f.8-5)
67. St. ___, bishop of Hexham (d.686, f.10-26)
1. "Let it be done" (Latin)
2. Hebrew "Daddy"
3. "A star shall advance from Jacob, and a scepter shall ___ from Israel..." (Num 24:17)
4. "...inde venturus ___ iudicare vivos et mortuos." (Symbolum Apostolorum)
5. The M in OFM
6. The Colosseum, e.g.
7. St. ___ Goupil, North American martyr (d.1642, f.10-19)
8. How Cat Stevens recorded "Morning Has Broken"?
9. "Master, I want to ___." (Mark 10:51)
10. A post-exilic "leader of the people" (Neh 10:27)
11. St. Isidore's "Blessed" wife who shares his feast day
12. "...every family must procure for itself ___..." (Ex 12:3)
13. Horeb
18. St. ___ of Herzfeld, widow (d.825, f.9-4)
22. ___the Apostles
23. ___ proprio, special papal document
24. Saintly daughter of Pepin of Landen and St. Itta
25. First Hebrew letter
27. Old Testament prefigurement of Christ
28. ___ Hammerhand, ninth King of Rohan (LOTR)
29. Grandson of Adam (Luke 3:38)
30. Official list of biblical books
32. Book after Sophonias (DR)
33. Phrase with omission or commission
34. Servant of God ___ Bowman, vocalist (d.1990)
35. William Leo ___, Bishop Emeritus of Lafayette in Indiana (ret'd. 2010)
36. Father of King Josiah (2 Kgs 21:24)
38. Gehenna
39. Ancient alphabetic character
45. Saint of Maastricht, hermit turned missionary (d.679, f.2-6)
46. ___ Maria, Frank Duff organization
47. Pope who beatified Isidore the Farmer along with Teresa, Francis Xavier, Ignatius Loyola, and Philip Neri in 1619
49. Sage
50. "Descend from the peak of ___,..." (Song of Songs 4:8)
51. Where Doeg betrayed David (1 Sam 22)
53. "Out of the ground the Lord God made grow every ___..." (Gen 2:9)
54. Church song
55. Home pyxes
56. Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses, e.g.
57. The greatest among the Anakim (Jos 14:15)
59. Full brother of Naphtali
60. The Latin "I love"?
61. Number of things needed? (Luke 10:42)