May 10: “Damien”
1. Gifts will be poured into yours if you give (Luke 6:38)
4. Saintly abbot of Cluny (d.942, f.11-18)
7. Wife of David, who bore him Shephatiah in Hebron (2 Sam 3:4)
13. The "E" of BCE
14. ___ Bombadil, Tolkien character
15. Kuriakose Elias ___, CMI, the first Catholic male saint of Indian origin (d.1871, f.2-18)
16. De ___, St. Damien's family name
18. Hawaiian island on which St. Damien served
19. Patmos, e.g.
20. Son of Tola (1 Chr 7:2)
22. "World without ___, amen."
23. Sarah's hubby
26. Delta, in Tolkien-speak (LOTR)
28. Soul of France?
31. Descendant of Pahath-moab (Ezra 10:30)
33. Tolkien dwarf (LOTR)
36. River in England which Waltham Abbey overlooks
37. Father of Hosea
39. "What ___ God wrought?"
41. What St. Damien is considered by many
45. "Litteris ___" (1830 Pius VIII encyclical)
46. "...the leaves of the ___ serve as medicine..." (Rev 22:2)
47. Friend of Frodo (LOTR)
48. "...and your feet ___ in readiness for the gospel of peace." (Eph 6:15)
50. River where Gabriel appeared to Daniel (Dan 8:16)
51. A as in Austria?
52. St. James ___, Martyr of Japan (d.1597, f.2-6)
55. Torah
57. Ursulines, initially
60. "Spesse ___" (1898 Leo XIII encyclical)
62. ___ of the Apostles
66. Country of St. Damien's birth
68. Disease that afflicted those whom St. Damien served, and of which St. Damien himself died
71. Eases up
72. Son of Bela (1 Chr 7:7)
73. "___ de Vida" (Hurd bi-lingual hymn)
74. City in Naphtali (Jos 19:36)
75. "¡Oh Jesús ___!, perdona nuestros pecados..."
76. Before, of yore
1. Priestly tribe
2. Mars counterpart
3. Pope John ___ II beatified Damien in 1995
4. Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, by Ludwig ___
5. Sandra Cano, in abortion law
6. Father of King Ahab
7. Son of Ehud (1 Chr 8:4)
8. "There is a ___ Gilead"
9. St. ___ of Chartres, bishop (d.1116, f.5-23)
10. "___and Eat" (Taize hymn)
11. Son of Dishan (Gen 36:28)
12. "She wrapped him in swaddling clothes and ___ him in a manger..." (Luke 2:7)
15. Congregation of the Missionary Carmelites of St. Teresa, initially
17. The ___ of Galilee
21. "He takes away every branch in me that does not ___..." (John 15:2)
24. "On opening it, she looked, and there was a ___ boy crying!" (Ex 2:6)
25. Son of Mushi (1 Chr 23:23)
27. Richard ___, OFM, author of "Radical Grace"
28. Soul of Spain?
29. "...ate their ___ with unclean, that is, unwashed, hands." (Mark 7:2)
30. "Stewards of ___" (Westendorf hymn)
32. Saintly English monk of Glastonbury abbey (d.877, f.7-31)
34. Resurrect
35. Loyal Gittite commander in David's army (2 Sam 18:2)
38. Breviary translators (abbr.)
40. Church song
42. Pippin family name (LOTR)
43. Cure
44. Sardis locale
49. Lectio ___
53. Nazareth to Jerusalem direction
54. " who gives ___ presents a sacrifice of praise." (Sir 35:4)
56. It might be just or holy?
57. "...concebido por ___ y gracia del Espíritu Santo..." (Credo Apostolico)
58. Image often used by Jesus in his parables
59. Father of Arah, Hanniel and Rizia (1 Chr 7:39)
61. Stop on the Exodus route (Ex 15:27)
63. St. Marianne ___, "successor" to St. Damien
64. Nicholas II, for one
65. "Auld Lang ___"
67. One of twelve in Aaron’s breastplate
69. Son of Gad (Gen 46:16)
70. St. Padre ___