May 21: “Christopher Magallanes”
1. Vetus ___, old Latin Bible translations
6. Coffin cloth
10. "How ___, O Lord?" (Psalmist query)
14. Conventions
15. Biblical scholar Barbara, Dominican feminist
16. Via Appia, e.g.
17. St. Christopher Magallanes and ___, those remembered on May 21
19. Fidelis of ___, Italian soldier-saint and martyr (d.304, f.10-28)
20. "Give to ___ who asks of you..." (Mat 5:42)
21. Devout
22. Miter, e.g.
25. To be human, so they say
26. 35 across, e.g.
27. Artemis's twin
29. ___ Noël
31. 1 Samuel 1-3 priest
32. Thomas John ___, Archbishop of Mobile
33. Emptiness
35. 26 across for St. Christopher Magallanes
41. Archeologists' finds
42. St. Francis ___ Kyong-Hwan, Korean lay catechist and martyr (d.1839, f.9-20)
43. Adorers of the Blood of Christ, initially
46. Yonath ___ rehoqim, Psalm 56 melody
47. His descendants were among the temple servants after the exile (Ezra 2:52)
49. Liturgical garb
51. Year in the reign of Pope St. Martin I
52. Srs. of St. Dorothy, initially
53. Spring where Gideon camped (Jgs 7:1)
54. "Summo Iugiter ___" (1832 Gregory XVI encyclical)
57. ___ the Great, Holy Roman Emperor, 962-973
58. He canonized Christopher Magallanes in 2000
62. Regrets
63. Nod is east of it (Gen 4:16)
64. Thomas Jefferson, religiously
65. Actual being
66. Fruit of the vine
67. ___ Christi
1. Book after Esth.
2. "I do not busy myself with great matters, with things ___ sublime for me." (Ps 131:1)
3. Biblical symbol of power
4. What John did in Elizabeth's womb
5. Brother of Joab (2 Sm 2:18)
6. Superior, in some orders
7. Long, long time
8. St. Anne ___, English martyr (d.1601, f.2-27)
9. Mormons, initially
10. Lawful
11. Actor Peter ___ played the character based on St. Christopher Magallanes in "For Greater Glory"
12. Son of Eliab (Num 26:9)
13. St. Vincenzo ___, founder (d.1917, f.11-7)
18. Emperor under whom Peter and Paul were martyred
21. Michelangelo masterpiece
22. "Each of the elders held a ___..." (Rev 5:8)
23. Bl. Vilmos ___, bishop and martyr (d.1945, f.4-2)
24. Bl. Jacopone of ___, religious (d.1306, f.12-22)
26. St. Loman of ___, bishop (d.450, f.10-11)
28. Jesus said Satan was their father (John 8:44)
29. "___ nostrum cotianum da nobis hodie" (Pater Noster)
30. "From the ___ of the earth I call..." (Ps 61:3)
33. " this ___ of tears." (Hail, Holy Queen)
34. Elvish name for orcs (LOTR)
36. Horse
37. Archeological mounds
38. "What Child is ___?"
39. Hebrew letters
40. Practice lectio divina, e.g.
43. "Michael Row the Boat ___" (The Highwaymen #1 hit of 1960)
44. " do not regard a person’s ___." (Mat 22:16)
45. Augustin Caloca ___, one of the 17 across of St. Christopher Magallanes
47. Missionary Catechists of Divine Providence, initially
48. Father of Rezon (2 Kgs 11:23)
50. To bind and to ___
51. Second bishop of Dallas, Edward ___
54. Father of Gaddiel (Num 13:10)
55. "___ the wolf shall be a guest of the lamb..." (Is 11:6)
56. Saintly Archbishop of Rouen (d.683, f.8-24)
58. Descendant of Abraham
59. Year in Claudius's reign
60. Book after Ruth (abbr.)
61. Saintly Irish virgin (d.570, f.1-15)