15 x 15 Gospel Quote: “The Best Man” (John 1:34)
1 Descendants of Japheth (Gen 10:2)
6 "And when the sun ___, it was scorched..." (Mark 4:6)
10 Statutes
14 Hebrew bushels.
15 Mary Baker ___, Church of Christ, Scientist founder (d.1910)
16 Ancestor of Jesus (Luke 3:38)
17 With 41 and 66 across, John the Baptist's great proclamation (John 1:34)
20 Son of Ikkesh (2 Sam 23:26)
21 Wrath
22 Meaning of Siloam (John 9:7)
23 Town from which Jesus cured a royal official's son who was in Capernaum
25 At one time, at one time
28 Jewish name meaning "priest"
31 City in 1 Mac 5:26
33 St. Patrick's land
35 Pharaoh king Josiah died fighting
36 Town of Judah, in a Plain of the same name (Neh 6:2)
38 St. ___ Alvares Pereira, Portuguese general (d.1431, f.11-6)
40 Srs. of the Most Holy Sacrament, initially
41 See 17 across
45 St. Andrew Kim Tae-___, Korean martyr
46 "...only then will ___ you continue to dwell in this place..." (Jer 7:7)
47 “The snake tricked me, so I ___ it.” (Gen 3:13)
48 Icelandic epic
50 Common Christmas present in the north
52 Daughter of Asher (Gen 46:17)
56 "Blessed are those who ___..."
58 Name of a well where Isaac's shepherds quarreled with those of Gerar (Gen 26:20)
60 Pedro de ___, antipope Benedict XIII
61 Paul caused one in Jerusalem (Acts 21:30-31)
63 "...he gave gifts to ___.” (Eph 4:8)
65 Eschatology focus
66 See 17 across
71 Council site in 1027 where the Truce of God was enacted
72 "...which grows today and is thrown into the ___ tomorrow..." (Mat 6:30)
73 "... to take part in the unlawful exercises at the ___." (2 Mac 4:14)
74 Turning water to wine, e.g.
75 "Procure a young bull and two unblemished ___" (Ex 29:1)
76 Land south of Gondor and Mordor, whose name means "south" (LOTR)
1 Saintly mother of Augustine
2 Ethically indifferent
3 Frank Joseph ___, Bishop of Venice, Florida
4 Paul's "Exodus" role
5 Son of Appaim (1 Chr 2:31)
6 Hold in high esteem
7 Dedicated poem
8 Srs. of the Divine Savior, initially
9 The Lamb of Revelation had seven
10 Richard Gerald ___, Bishop of Cleveland, Ohio (d.2019)
11 Cut off from the people
12 "If he listens to you, you have ___ over your brother." (Mat 18:15)
13 Srs. of St. Dorothy, initially
18 "For you alone ___ the Holy One"
19 What some evangelicals consider the "revived Roman Empire" (abbr.)
24 Shepherd and dresser of sycamores prophet
26 Descendants of Canaan (Gen 10:17)
27 "Faithful and ___" (title for Jesus in Rev 19:11)
29 Dutch city where St. Edith Stein lived as a nun
30 "Etsi ___" (1882 Leo XIII encyclical)
32 Against, in the beginning?
34 St. ___ of Aran, early Irish abbot (d.530, f.3-21)
37 Anointing liquids
39 "Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma" author Ludwig, and family
41 "...de ___ lo visible y lo invisible." (Credo Niceno)
42 "The fear of the Lord is pure, ___ forever." (Ps 19:10)
43 San ___, hometown of St. Justin de Jacobis
44 Jacob was born holding Esau's
45 One of twelve in Aaron’s breastplate
49 “A great prophet has ___ in our midst” (Lk 7:16)
51 Exorcism targets
53 George Edward ___, Bishop of Worcester, Massachusetts (d.2019)
54 Vatican City supermarket
55 Bl. Jacques Ghazir ___, OFM Cap, the "St. Vincent de Paul of Lebabnon" (d.1954, f.6-26)
57 "Be ___ Afraid" (Dufford hymn)
59 Catholic speaker Yasinski of the YouTube Channel "Catholic Minute"
62 Son of Odin
64 Ark builder
66 "___ Got the Whole World in His Hands"
67 Judge who lived at Silo (1 Sam 1-4)
68 "...los desterrados hijos de ___." (Dios te salve, Reina y Madre)
69 Religious sch.
70 Italian monk's title