This and That
1. Year in the reign of St. Pius I
5. Ancestor of Jesus (Luke 3:38)
9. Roman fountain named for the three roads which intersect at its location
10. The words of Scripture, e.g.
11. The first brothers
13. Capt.'s inferiors
14. Initials of two very different Church news outlets
15. Town of Judah, in a Plain of the same name (Neh 6:2)
16. St. ___ of Bamburg, bishop (d.1139, f.7-2)
18. Lo, How a Rose ___ Blooming
20. Subject of morality
25. Tolkien creature (and anagram of 20 across)
26. Mexican money
27. "Set me ___ seal upon your heart..." (SoS 8:6)
30. Gather hymnal publisher (abbr.)
32. Srs. of the Living Word, initially
33. What we are to do to the goodness of the Lord?
36. Wiesel, who said, “Human suffering anywhere concerns men and women everywhere.”
37. Vetoes
38. "...what was happening through the angel was ___..." (Acts 12:9)
39. "Noah, a man of the ___, was the first to plant a vineyard." (Gen 9:20)
1. "Viva ___ Rey!" (Cristeros cry)
2. Author Deighton
3. Bl. ___ Merz, layman (d.1928, f.5-10)
4. Members of the Congregation of the Missions
5. Zeta follower
6. Mountain of Moses' death
7. Elisha slaughtered twelve yoke of them (2 Kgs 19:21)
8. Historic French town named for a holy Catholic man
9. Saintly bishop (f.2-15)
11. Blockage
12. Historic Scott
17. Dedicated poem
19. Good name, for short
21. Cherub, in Cherbourg
22. Chalice, e.g.
23. Cos and Patmos, e.g.
24. Bl John ___, English priest and martyr (d.1586, f.10-8)
27. Ancestor of many temple gatekeepers (Neh 7:45)
28. Father of Eber (Gen 10:24, DR)
29. Ephesus locale
31. Valley where St. Benedict lived for 25 years
34. ___ el Amarna, Egyptian archeological site
35. Year in the reign of Pope St. Symmachus